
Grand Parkway Leadership

These are the men and women whose priesthood, gifts and personalities give consistent and consequential leadership to the life of our church. Each brings an essential capacity to the table and we are all nourished by their presence in our lives and on the team here at Grand Parkway.


We believe that the elder structure is the Biblical model of Church governance and leadership. Our elders function as a body not a board – with three main responsibilities: shepherding, governance and accountability (1 Peter 5:2). The elders are expected to model servant-leadership in a manner that empowers our various ministries to fulfill their Biblical responsibility.


At Grand Parkway, we follow the origin of deacons (Acts 6) by appointing lead servants among our congregation to care for the needs of our people. These men and women field the primary responsibility of a task and invite others to help them bear it. Our deacons attend to the practical details of church life such as administration, maintenance, and the care of church members with physical needs. Our staff is better able to pastor our people precisely because the deacons are coordinating much of the church’s servicing. This is a Biblical picture of unity: deacons humbly pursue their service while pastors teach and lead, each embracing their God-given role.


Thomas Brown
Wade Burgess
Neil McClendon
David Mertins
Barkley Peschel
Mike Rice
Jeff Wood


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Neil McClendon
Lead Pastor
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Wade Burgess
Executive Pastor
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Annie Fairley
Associate Student Minister
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Blake Hardcastle
Equipping Pastor
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Caleb Miller
Bridge Ministry Pastor
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Clyde Copeland
Worship Pastor
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Ian Weber
Student Pastor
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Julian Solis
Spiritual Formation Pastor
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Krista Hood
Children's Minister
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Kurt and Jenn Freeman
Outreach Directors
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Marcie McClendon
Women's Minister
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Nancy Mullins
Preschool Minister
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Travis Dunham
Connections Pastor


Al Williams
Brandon & Lindsay Fralick
Brett & Morgan Daniels
Brian & Jana McKee
Carrie Espey
Dave & Barb Bockman
Dennis Scott
James & Kim Smith
Linda Mertins
Matthew & Cynthia Jeter
Ryan & Kathrin Yokubaitis
Steven & Kyla Mittanck
Wade & Dee Knox
Wade & Sally Collier

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Sundays at 9:00 AM
  • Worship Service
  • Bible Studies
  • Kids’ Service
  • Childcare provided
Sundays at 10:30 AM
  • Worship Service
  • Bible Studies
  • Kids’ Service
  • Students’ Service
  • Childcare provided
Tuesdays at 9:30am
  • In the Fall and Spring
  • Women’s Bible Studies
  • Childcare provided
Wednesday at 6:30pm
  • In the Fall and Spring
  • Bible Studies
  • Kids’ Service
  • Students’ Service
  • Childcare provided