
With so many tender topics swirling around our world today, there is much to discuss with kids and adults alike. Depression, sexual identity, vaccines, political leanings, social justice, quarantining, social media and its influence, even the wearing of masks…all worthy topics to lean into via conversation.
However, brothers and sisters, may we never forget every soul’s greatest need. Every soul’s greatest need is Jesus.
Jesus, who wrapped in flesh and lived among messy people. Jesus who suffered shame and ridicule and was completely misunderstood even by His closest friends. Jesus, who died a terrible death while amassing the sin of all humanity upon his shoulders and worse yet, His Father turned away. Jesus, who rose victoriously, squashing sin, death, and the grave. Jesus, who promises that He will make all things new, and He will wipe away every tear from every eye.
When Jesus enters a soul, lives are transformed, and perspectives are changed. It is not our primary role to correct in others their “misunderstandings” of any of the above topics or to coerce another to “see things our way” (which in actuality most times translates to “our way is the right way”). When Jesus intervenes, when He works in a broken life (of which we are all in that category), He brings freedom and victory.
Jesus brings perspective in suffering, knowing that it is for an eternal weight of glory that far outlasts the temporal ways of this world.
Jesus brings healing to the broken hearted. And yes, complete healing will not be accomplished this side of eternity and will be ultimately fulfilled when we see Him face to face.
Jesus brings conviction of sin and the power to live according to His desires instead of our old fleshly desires.
Jesus brings hope. Hope when all seems lost. Hope when the world looks like it is falling apart. Hope when the enemy seems to be winning. Isn’t this what the disciples must have felt like on that Saturday before the Resurrection?
Jesus brings transformation through the indwelling Holy Spirit, who acts as our guide, our comforter, our closest companion.
Jesus brings rest. Rest to a weary soul. Rest even among the external chaos. Rest that is so much deeper and consequential than any rest the world offers.
So, as we enter into the messiness of our own lives and the lives of those around us, may we never be tempted to believe that this or that solution can rescue us. What we all need most is Jesus. He alone is the Rescuer. He alone is our deepest longing and the lover of our souls. He alone provides the solution to our greatest problem, which is sin. He alone will victoriously bring us home to glory and make us whole.
Kristi Gholson is a member of Grand Parkway. She and her husband Ryan have four spunky kids age 7 to 14. She is passionate about women knowing the Bible and living according to the transformational truth that it contains.